Accountability is critical when it comes to creating new habits, reaching goals and leveling up your life because it helps to keep you on track and motivated when the going gets tough. When we are held accountable for our actions, we are more likely to follow through with our plans and commitments. 

Tips to help you build accountability in your life:

1. Mindset Checkwe need to take responsibility for our actions. A growth mindset, which involves embracing challenges and learning from mistakes, can foster a sense of ownership and accountability. On the other hand, a closed/fixed mindset, which involves avoiding challenges and blaming others for failures, can hinder accountability and lead to a lack of personal responsibility. With the right mindset we can be more proactive, take ownership, and follow through on our commitments.

2. Put your goals & action steps in writing – when we write things down we are more likely to complete them. And I don’t know one person that loves to stare at a list of incomplete tasks and goals.

3. Track your progress – in Oola we have an action tracker where daily we input our action steps that lead us to our goals in a tracking system. I also have a whole board full of trackers that are tracking all 21 of the goals I set this year. This allows me to monitor my progress (or lack thereof). I can determine areas that need improvement and make necessary adjustments so I can stay on course towards my goals and timelines. I have a couple of trackers that you can download at the bottom of this article to help get you started.

4. Take Responsibility/Own it – when you make excuses or delegate your responsibilities you give away your power to change yourself. My friend Erica coined this awesome little acronym WOW – want it, own it, work for it!!  Everyone could use a little more WOW in their life! When you embrace responsibility and owning your actions you become even more reliable and trustworthy, which helps build strong relationships and achieve success both personally and professionally.

5. Seek out blind spots – through awareness and feedback we are able to strengthen our vision and make us able to “see it”

6. Perseverance & resilience – Do things as if your life depends upon it. Literally, adopt the belief that failure is unacceptable. This attitude will help you bring all your energy into play.

7. Pick the right team to keep you going & won’t let you turn back. In Oola we call them “Inner Circles” they are our truth crue that helps hold us accountable to do what we say we want to do.We Inspire each other, help each other maximize focus & share knowledge, tools & resources. Get yourself a circle that wants you to win just as much as you want to win!

If you struggle with accountability please reach out. I would love to help coach you through it, or connect you with an inner circle that can help you reach those goals you have been haven’t been able to reach.

Recommended Books on Accountability:

  • “The Wisdom of Oz” – Using Personal Accountability to Succeed in all that You do by Roger Conners and Tom Smith
  • “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod
  • “Atomic Habits” by James Clear
reach more goals with accountability

Action Tracker

Start tracking your daily habits with this awesome tracker. One day at a time - you got this!